A collection of animal species from around the world.
*Sources for information and photos (unless they are by me) can be found at the bottom of each species profile.
Palm-nut Vulture
The palm-nut vulture is unusual among vultures, in that about 70% of its diet is vegetarian — mostly consisting of palm nut fruits. It was once called the "vulturine fish eagle”, because of its eagle-like appearance and the way in which it hunts; swooping to the water's surface to grab fish.
Snowy Sheathbill
The snowy sheathbill is an Antarctic scavenger. It eats anything it can find or pilfer; from faeces to regurgitated penguin chick food and even elephant seal milk straight from the teat. It often stands on one foot to reduce heat loss — a technique that also makes it quite clumsy.
White-tailed Tropicbird
The white-tailed tropicbird performs noisy, aerial displays — swaying its tail streamer from side to side while gliding through the sky. A male courts a mate by flying above her and touching his tail to hers, they then glide away together in synchronized zigzag flight to find a nesting spot.
Australian Raven
Australian ravens are opportunistic feeders, eating anything from carrion to biscuits and bread — they have been seen dipping pieces of these into water to soften them. They will bash snails against rocks to get at their insides. Sometimes they even steal golf balls, mistaking them for eggs.
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
The sulphur-crested cockatoo communicates with extremely loud screeching calls. The cacophonous noise from a rowdy flock can be near-deafening. As these birds forage on the ground with their flock, there is usually a lookout who sits in the trees and gives an alarm cry if danger approaches.