A collection of animal species from around the world.
*Sources for information and photos (unless they are by me) can be found at the bottom of each species profile.
Ground Tit
A resident of the Tibetan Plateau, the ground tit lives above the treeline at elevations no lower than 3,000 metres (9,800 ft). It moves along the ground in unpredictable dashes and hops — said to resemble a bouncing rubber ball — and digs burrows for nesting and shelter.
Long-eared Hedgehog
The ears of the long-eared hedgehog — longer than half the length of its head — are much larger than those of other hedgehogs. It lives in deserts and steps, using its astute hearing (and smell) to track down food, and its ample ears to radiate heat, staying cool in its sweltering home.
Blood Pheasant
A male blood pheasant has splatters of "bloody" feathers across his face, breast, and tail. This species lives in the Himalayan Mountains, feeding mostly on mosses and moving with the snowline between elevations of 3,200–4,700 metres (10,500–15,400 ft). It's adapted to resist both hypoxia and high UV radiation.