Southeast Asian Species

See the species of the most biodiverse region in Asia.

While tropical forests only cover 7% of the worlds surface, they account for almost ⅔ of our planets biodiversity. Southeast Asia is host to nearly 15% of Earths tropical forests. It’s home to hundreds of endemic species — many becoming increasingly threatened.

Southeast Asia encompasses some eleven countries; from Myanmar in the northwest to the scattered islands of the Indonesian Archipelago to the south. A land of rainforests, mangroves, mountains ranges, and sandy shores it is host to a myriad unique species. Orange-furred orangutans swing through the trees of Sumatra and Borneo. On the latter, pygmy rhinos and elephants roam the forest floor. The Philippines is home to a handsome raptor with a stylish hairdo. Tree climbing kangaroos live in the canopies of Papua New Guinea. And thousands more species crawl, fly, slither, and scuttle in the wild and urban areas of this region.



